# Load packages
library (conflicted)
library (xfun)
xfun:: pkg_attach2 (
c (
"extrafont" ,
"knitr" ,
"fMultivar" ,
"IDPmisc" ,
"mvtnorm" ,
"Matrix" ,
"psych" ,
"tidyverse" ,
"scales" ,
"gganimate" ,
"ggforce" ,
"sjmisc" ,
"WJSmisc" ,
"tikzDevice" ,
"patchwork" ,
"qualvar" ,
"modeest" ,
"tinter" ,
"ggfx" ,
"ggtext" ,
"lemon" ,
"signs" ,
"psycheval" ,
"bezier" ,
"DescTools" ,
"ggh4x" ,
"ggthemes" ,
"rsvg" ,
"ggarrow" ,
"arrowheadr" ,
"rgl" ,
"ggdiagram" ,
"ggbeeswarm" ,
"tmvtnorm" ,
"rmarkdown" ,
"downlit" ,
"xml2" )
conflicts_prefer (dplyr:: select,
dplyr:: filter,
scales:: alpha,
dplyr:: lag,
tibble:: add_case,
ggdiagram:: ` + ` ,
purrr:: discard,
readr:: col_factor,
scales:: alpha,
scales:: rescale,
purrr:: is_empty,
tidyr:: replace_na,
tidyr:: expand,
tidyr:: pack,
tidyr:: unpack,
tibble:: add_case,
psycheval:: multivariate_ci,
sjmisc:: ` %nin% ` ,
psych:: AUC,
psych:: ICC,
psych:: SD,
ggh4x:: geom_pointpath,
ggh4x:: GeomPointPath,
ggdiagram:: signs_centered,
ggdiagram:: distance
loadfonts ("win" , quiet = TRUE )
knitr:: knit_hooks$ set (webgl = hook_webgl)
# Set options
options (knitr.kable.digits = 2 , knitr.kable.na = '' )
knitr:: opts_template$ set (
marginfigure = list (fig.column = "margin" ,
fig.cap.location = "top" ,
out.width = "100%" ,
fig.align = "left" ),
bodyfigure = list (fig.column = "body" ,
fig.cap.location = "margin" ))
# Default fonts and colors
bfont = "Equity Text A Tab"
bsize = 16
# myfills <- class_color(c("royalblue4", "firebrick4", "#51315E"))@color
# myfills <- viridis::viridis(3, begin = .4, end = .65)
# myfills <- pal_brewer(type = "div", 3)(4)
# myfills <- hsv(h = degree(c(150,210, 250))@turn,
# s = .7,
# v = c(.45,.45,.45))[c(2,1,3)]
myfills <- class_color (c ("#27408B" , "#22734B" , "#51315E" ))@ color
# myfills %>% show_col()
txt_color <- "gray20"
btxt_size = ggtext_size (bsize)
my_arrowhead <- arrow_head_deltoid (2.3 )
# Default geoms and themes
ggplot2:: update_geom_defaults (
"text" ,
list (family = bfont,
size = btxt_size,
color = txt_color))
ggplot2:: update_geom_defaults (
"label" ,
list (
family = bfont,
size = btxt_size,
label.padding = unit (0 , "lines" ),
label.size = 0 ,
color = txt_color))
ggplot2:: update_geom_defaults (
"richtext" ,
list (family = bfont,
size = btxt_size,
color = txt_color))
ggplot2:: update_geom_defaults ("density" , list (fill = myfills[1 ]))
theme_set (theme_minimal (base_size = bsize, base_family = bfont))
# font family
span_style <- function (x, style = "font-family:serif;"
) {
paste0 ('<span style= \" ' ,
' \" >' ,
"</span>" )
# Set table column width
# https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown/issues/122#issuecomment-221101375
html_table_width <- function (kable_output, width, tag = "</caption>" ){
width_html <- paste0 (
paste0 ('<col width="' ,
'">' ),
collapse = " \n " )
sub (tag,
paste0 (tag,
" \n " ,
# Make a matrix with braces
bmatrix <- function (M, brace = "bmatrix" , includenames= TRUE ) {
if (includenames) {
M <- cbind (rownames (M),M)
M <- rbind (colnames (M), M)
M <- paste (apply (M,
MARGIN = 1 ,
FUN = paste0,
collapse = " & " ),
collapse = " \\\\\n " )
if (! is.null (brace)) {
M <- paste0 (" \\ begin{" ,brace,"} \n " , M, " \n\\ end{" , brace , "}" )
# Function to make dice
makedice <- function (i, id, add_blank = TRUE ) {
x = switch (
` 1 ` = 0 ,
` 2 ` = c (- 1 , 1 ),
` 3 ` = c (- 1 , 1 , 0 ),
` 4 ` = c (- 1 , 1 , - 1 , 1 ),
` 5 ` = c (- 1 , 1 , - 1 , 1 , 0 ),
` 6 ` = c (- 1 , 1 , - 1 , 1 , - 1 , 1 )
y = switch (
` 1 ` = 0 ,
` 2 ` = c (1 ,- 1 ),
` 3 ` = c (1 ,- 1 , 0 ),
` 4 ` = c (1 ,- 1 ,- 1 , 1 ),
` 5 ` = c (1 ,- 1 ,- 1 , 1 , 0 ),
` 6 ` = c (1 ,- 1 ,- 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ))
d <- tibble (id = id * 1 ,
i = i,
x = x,
y = y)
if (add_blank) {
d <- d %>%
add_case (id = id + 0.5 ,
i = 0 ,
x = NA ,
y = NA )
center_neg <- function (x) {
signs <- sign (x)
paste0 (ifelse (signs < 0 ,"$" ,"" ), x, ifelse (signs < 0 ," \\ phantom{-}$" ,"" ))
all_tick_labels <- function (side = 1 , at, labels = at) {
axis (side, labels = rep ("" ,length (at)), at = at)
for (i in 1 : length (at)) {
axis (side,
at = at[i],
labels = labels[i],
tick = F)
whitespace <- function (
size = 10 ,
text = "." ,
color = "white" ) {
paste0 ("<span style='color:" ,
"; font-size:" ,
"pt;'>" ,
"</span>" )
middle_axes <- function (limits = c (0 , 5 )) {
breaks <- seq (limits[1 ], limits[2 ])
breaks <- breaks[breaks != 0 ]
ggplot () +
theme_classic (
base_family = bfont,
base_size = 18 ,
base_line_size = .5
) +
theme (
axis.text = element_text (color = "gray40" ),
axis.line = element_blank (),
axis.ticks = element_line (color = "gray" ),
axis.title.x = element_text (
angle = 0 ,
vjust = .5 ,
face = "italic" ,
color = "gray40"
axis.title.y = element_text (
angle = 0 ,
vjust = .5 ,
face = "italic" ,
color = "gray40"
) +
scale_x_continuous (name = "y" ,
breaks = breaks,
labels = WJSmisc:: signs_centered) +
scale_y_continuous (name = "x" ,
breaks = breaks,
labels = signs) +
ggh4x:: coord_axes_inside (
xlim = limits,
ylim = limits,
labels_inside = T,
ratio = 1
) +
ob_segment (x = c (0 , limits[1 ] - abs (max (limits) - min (limits)) / 20 ),
xend = c (0 , limits[2 ] + abs (max (limits) - min (limits)) / 20 ),
y = c (limits[1 ] - abs (max (limits) - min (limits)) / 20 , 0 ),
yend = c (limits[2 ] + abs (max (limits) - min (limits)) / 20 , 0 ),
linewidth = .75 ,
arrow_head = my_arrowhead,
arrow_fins = my_arrowhead,
color = "gray" )
# Hooks -------
# # Enclose collapsible r chunk in button
# knitr::opts_hooks$set(button_r = function(options) {
# if (isTRUE(options$button_r)) {
# options$button_before_r <- TRUE
# options$button_after <- TRUE
# options$echo = TRUE
# options$eval = FALSE
# }
# options
# })
# # Enclose collapsible latex chunk in button
# knitr::opts_hooks$set(button_latex = function(options) {
# if (isTRUE(options$button_latex)) {
# options$button_before_latex <- TRUE
# options$button_after <- TRUE
# options$echo = TRUE
# options$eval = FALSE
# }
# options
# })
# before button for collapsible r chunk
knit_hooks$ set (
button_before = function (before, options, envir) {
if (before) {
if (is.null (options$ figlabel)) {
l <- options$ label %>%
str_remove ("^coder \\ -" ) %>%
str_remove ("^codelatex \\ -" ) %>%
str_remove ("^codeojs \\ -" )
if (str_detect (l, "^fig \\ -" ) | str_detect (l, "^tbl \\ -" )) {
options$ figlabel <- l
codetype <- options$ codelabel
if (! is.null (options$ figlabel)) {
codetype <- paste0 (codetype, " for @" , options$ figlabel)
return (
paste0 (
# '<div class="wrap-collapsible" style="margin-top: 1em">',
# "\n",
# '<input id="collapsible-',
# options$label,
# '" class="toggle" type="checkbox">',
# "\n",
# '<label for="collapsible-',
# options$label,
# '" class="lbl-toggle">', codetype,'</label>',
# '<div class="collapsible-content">',
# "\n",
# '<div class="content-inner">'
':::{.callout-note collapse="true" appearance="minimal"} \n ## ' ,codetype
# After button for collapsible chunks
knit_hooks$ set (button_after = function (before, options, envir) {
# if (!before) return('</div></div></div>')
if (! before) return (' \n ::: \n ' )
# Solution chunk
# knitr::opts_hooks$set(solution = function(options) {
# options$echo <- TRUE
# options$solutionsetter <- TRUE
# return(options)
# })
knitr:: knit_hooks$ set (solutionsetter = function (before,options, envir) {
if (before) {
" \n\n <details><summary>Suggested Solution</summary> \n\n "
} else {
" \n\n </details> \n\n "
# Make all chunks with demo-prefix echo = TRUE
knitr:: opts_hooks$ set (label = function (options) {
if (startsWith (options$ label, "demo-" )) {
options$ echo <- TRUE
if (startsWith (options$ label, "ex-" )) {
options$ echo <- TRUE
if (startsWith (options$ label, "solution-" )) {
options$ echo <- TRUE
options$ solutionsetter <- TRUE
if (str_starts (options$ label, "code" )) {
options$ button_before <- TRUE
options$ button_after <- TRUE
options$ echo = TRUE
options$ eval = FALSE
codelanguages <- c (r = "R Code" ,
latex = "$ \\ rm \\ LaTeX$ Code" ,
ojs = "Observable Code" )
mycode <- str_match (options$ label, "^code(.*?) \\ -" )
if (length (mycode) == 2 ) {
options$ codelabel = codelanguages[mycode[2 ]]
return (options)